Who Can Request A Report?

In compliance with state law, copies of Police reports may be requested by authorized parties of interest including:

  •  A victim or witness of a crime
  • Authorized representative of the victim of crime
  • The insurance carrier against whom a claim has been made or may be made
  • Person who suffered bodily injury or property damage as a result of an incident


What if I was arrested?

If requester has been arrested and not appeared at court the police department does not release the report. The court or prosecution will discuss options for obtaining the report at your arraignment.


What if a report involves a Juvenile?

Juvenile information includes any document relating to juvenile contacts and arrests. Welfare & Institutions Code Section 827 provides Juvenile Court with exclusive authority to determine to whom, and the extent to which, juvenile record information may be released. Release of juvenile information requires the permission of the Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court. 

Parents of a juvenile may receive a copy of certain types of reports. All others will need to petition Juvenile Court directly for the release of that record. The Police Department has the necessary form to do this or you may visit the Orange County Juvenile Court in person or via the web at: http://www.occourts.org/directory/juvenile/records-copy-requests.html